Thursday 8 September 2011

How it all began (1)

Early in the summer of 2011, I started looking back through some of the guidebooks I have picked up during my travels. A guide to travelling around China on your own in the early 1980s when it was officially discouraged; a Lonely Planet “Travel Survival Kit” for Turkey in the mid-1980s; and a Lonely Planet guide to Pakistan from 1990 all got me thinking back to the times I had spent on buses and trains in faraway places.

This coincided with a desire to do something a bit different, perhaps linking up with an expedition of some sort as a photographer. I posted a vaguely cryptic message on LinkedIn, fishing for ideas. And in July I came up with the idea of travelling round the world by train and documenting it in a photoblog.

Blogging is new to me, and I still don’t really understand the concept of Tweeting on Twitter, so this first posting is something of a test to get things up and running. Please become a follower here and add me as a twit on Twitter. In the meantime, I'll try to find out how it all works.

Waiting to depart

Passengers wait to board the Kyiv - Simferopol Express at Kyiv main
railway station, Ukraine, July 2011

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